An inspector surveys the remains of 26 Norfolk Southern rail cars that derailed Tuesday morning blocking tracks in Sheffield.
SHEFFIELD, Ohio -- Twenty-six cars on a Norfolk Southern railroad train derailed and crashed at the railroad's yard near Abbe Road early today, damaging track but causing little other disruption.
No one was injured in the accident that happened just after 7 a.m. Police did not order an evacuation of the area since half of the cars were empty and the others contained no hazardous materials.
No roads were affected and Norfolk Southern spokesman Randy Husband said other trains were directed to a second line between Vermilion and Cleveland.
The train was headed from Bellevue to Buffalo, N.Y., on a main line adjacent to the Sheffield yard, Husband said. The 26 cars were near the back of the train.
Husband would not speculate on whether problems with the track or the train caused the derailment.
The rail yard remains open, despite the pileup of toppled cars and loads of sand being dumped on tracks.
Sheffield Police Sgt. John Csubak said yard workers said the train was likely traveling 40 miles per hour, 10 miles below the speed limit for the area.
"It mangled up some rails pretty bad," Csubak said.
Police were on the scene about an hour, he said before turning the matter over to Norfolk Southern's own police department. That is normal for any train accident that does not involve injuries, roadways, hazardous materials on private property, Csubak said..
"This was all confined onto their own property, so there's nothing for us to actually do," he said.
Police, firefighters and railroad employees were concerned that derailed cars may have ruptured propane tanks. But the tanks, used to heat movable tracks where cars switch lines, were not damaged.
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